নাইট ক্লাবের কান্ড দেখুন কি হয় সেখানে। Part-1 | Bengali Short Film | Ishana
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Presenting Night Club | নাইট ক্লাব, a Bengali Webseries. This is the Episode-1 of Bengali Web Series starring Ishana, Sohan Khan and many more. New Bangla Web series "Night Club" directed by Ali Sujon. Watch your favorite Bangla Natoks, Short Films, Telefilms, Webseries and many more exciting videos on Alpine Global TV!
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Night Club | নাইট ক্লাব | Ep-1 | Bengali Webseries | Ishana, Sohan Khan | Web Series/Shortfilm 2019
Bangla Web Series: Night Club | নাইট ক্লাব | Episode-2
Cast: Ishana, Sohan Khan, Kazi Raju, Ashraf Kabir, Anamul Haque Helal, Shikha Mou, Hasi Moon, Jidan Sarkar, Prohor Sarkar, Sumon Ahmed Babu, Nilima Nupur, Nilangona Nila, Azad Hossian Biplop, Dr. Hera, Monju Mridha, Shahalam, Nupur, Happy, Maya Mitu, Tuktuki, Al-Amin Babu, Tofayel Khan, Sabbir Ahmed, Abdur Razzak, Nila Khondokhar, Sumi Priyoshi, Sanjoy Raj Bongshi, Mukul Jamil, Nirob & Babu.
Script & Director: Ali Sujon
Chief Assistant Director: Halim Mojumdar Shimul
Assistant Director: Shahriar Siam
D.O.P: Enamul Haque Sohel
D.O.P Assistant: Moshiur Rahman Pappu & Tarikul Morad'
Makeup: Jamal
Makeup Assistant: Rony
Light: Ariful Islam Babu, Jasim & Shafiul
Trolly: Jahir
Production Manager: Morshed
Assistant Production Manager: Shahin Hazra & Jasim
Camera House: Mondira Entertainment
Shooting House: Mondira
Technical Support: Digital Vision
Producer: Alpine Global Limited
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